Feed the Future Advancing Local Leadership, Innovation & Networks (ALL-IN)

A Subaward of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk and Resilience


The Advancing Local Leadership, Innovation and Networks (ALL-IN) program, supported by USAID, supports African researchers in development economics and related fields who have the skills, talents, and ideas to take the lead in defining research priorities while drawing on US university-based mentors to enhance their capacity in implementing and managing large-scale research projects. Shifting research leadership to African countries provides the historically under-resourced research community the funding to continue to develop while utilizing their clear pathways to policy impacts.

ALL-IN is a USAID-funded collaborative research grant program between the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk & Resilience (MRR) and the International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED).

The Goal

The ALL-IN initiative is designed to provide the historically under-resourced African economic research community with the resources it needs to fully engage and further develop, and to fully utilize local institutions’ clear pathways to local policy impacts. African researchers will take the lead in defining priorities and will then draw on US university-based mentors for support as needed to enhance their capacity in implementation and management of large-scale research projects. 

Selected research projects further the mission to generate and transfer into action innovations that will bolster resilience, keeping rural individuals, households, communities, and markets in positions of economic viability from which they can sustain and accelerate a path of inclusive agricultural growth.

The Projects

Over its five-year funding cycle, ALL-IN is supporting 12 projects with a maximum award amount of $450,000. Funded research was selected by the ALL-IN Advisory Board based on its criteria of high-quality, policy-relevant research in African countries relevant to Feed the Future and USAID priorities. Its research priorities are based on three themes:

  • Resilient Escapes from Poverty: Bundled programs that can have a bigger and more lasting impact on persistent poverty than the sum of their parts. 
  • Financial and Agronomic Innovations for Inclusive Growth and Resilience: Expanding the potential of insurance, stress-tolerant seeds, and other tools to manage the risk of drought, flood, or other disasters.
  • Resilient Systems for Broadly-based Agricultural Growth: Ensuring that markets and other social systems are competitive and do not bypass women and young people.


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Principal Investigators

Research Mentors


About the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk & Resilience

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk & Resilience (MRR) at UC Davis develops and tests financial and market innovations that take the most promising agricultural tools for families in developing economies from the lab to the field. Visit our website for frequent updates on proven approaches to promoting sustainable development and resilience. Learn More.

Advisory Board

The Global MLE Consortium

This MLE project has been activated through a global consortium of partners. The consortium of partners spread through five geographical regions of world (i.e., Southeast Asia, Europe, South and East Africa, and West Africa) where the foundation has relevant targeted initiatives with each partner focusing on activities of the project within the geography where the partner is located and has lived experience
Sankofa Consulting, a Seattle-based MLE organization with rich history with BMGF, will coordinate the consortium of partners
The International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED) is the main research partner for East and Sub-Saharan Africa
Sambodhi is the main research partner for South Asia. It is based in Uttar Pradesh, with other offices in Phnom Penh and Dar-es-Salaam
Haskè Conseil is the main research partner for West/Francophone Africa. The company is based in Senegal.

The ICED Team

About the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Horticulture

The Feed the Future Innovation Horticulture at UC Davis works with and promotes local leadership to advance horticulture and social innovations, empowering small-scale producers to earn more income while better nourishing their communities. Learn More.

Other Programs

  • The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets
  • Risk & Resilience (MRR)
  • ICED: the International Centre for Evaluation and Development


  • The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets
  • Risk & Resilience (MRR)
  • ICED: the International Centre for Evaluation and Development

