Evidence and Gap Maps

Completed EGMs

The evidence and gap map (EGM) shows where there are specific studies on the topic of interest and where there are no studies. Inside the maps are primary studies, reviews, and cell-wise summaries.

Click the "View EGM" link below to view and explore the EGM resulting from our completed program.


Infrastructure’s Impact on Nutritious Diet, Women’s Empowerment, & Gender Equality

Coming Soon

ICED is currently creating EGMs on Inclusive Governance, Women's Economic Empowerment, and Climate Change Adaptation. Find the links to the preliminary EGMs and the details of each of the programs below.

Inclusive Governance

Interventions to promote inclusive governance for underserved population in sub-Saharan Africa

Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE)

Gender-responsive macro-level policies and women's economic empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa

Climate Change Adaptation

Agricultural interventions to enhance food security and livelihood in Sub-Saharan Africa

How to Use the Evidence and Gap Maps

1. Types of Interventions
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2. Type of Evaluation
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3. Viewing the studies in cells
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4. Viewing a Study
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5. Exploring the findings of the studies
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6. Finding all studies about a particular type of intervention
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7. Changing the format
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8. To find studies from a particular geographic region or country
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9. To find studies from a particular evaluation or publication types
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10. To find studies from a particular study design or specific region
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11. To find studies of a particular publication date
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