ICED has expanded in geographies, funding partners, type of projects and impact in the six years of its existence and it is at a stage where its leadership is taking a step back to define even more aspirational targets for its next five years. The purpose is to provide a platform for co-creation of robust strategies that align with the acceleration of ICED’s impact in Africa. Furthermore, the advancements over the last six years in the fast paced and dynamic development evaluation landscape make it necessary for ICED to reposition itself in leadership and as a contributor and a key player in that space, to deepen and broaden its impact in Africa.
Although ICED has achieved much and its mission remains relevant, the rapid evolution of the ecosystem in which it operates and its internal factors have contributed to generate gaps in achieving its objectives. It is imperative for ICED to retool itself and refresh its approaches and partnerships in the next phase to remain relevant in dealing with the challenges of the current times, to maximize its critical role in informing and shaping development policies, strategies and initiatives and to attract resources. This it should do whilst upholding diversity, context and cultural sensitivity, leadership localization, accountability and value for money principles.