The research on this site explores the question:
These are physical infrastructure facilities that are used in agricultural production or any other facilities that are in place to enhance agricultural productivity, e.g., irrigation systems, water wells, greenhouses, and on‐farm power supply (energy) structures.
These are physical infrastructure such as storage facilities (e.g., warehouses and sheds, cold rooms, pack houses), processing facilities (e.g., grain mills), and market facilities (e.g. spaces, stalls, provided with sanitary facilities [toilets] and childcare centers) as well as facilities that are used to ensure the supply of healthy foods in safe environments (e.g. off‐farm power supply (energy), other facilities (slaughterhouses, landing sites, livestock vaccination parks).
These are physical infrastructure facilities that are used for transporting inputs (e.g., fertilizer, seeds, feed, and tools and equipment) and products to ensure that low-income consumers, including farmers, have access to markets and increased access to nutritious and diversified foods, e.g., roads, railways, bridges.
These are physical infrastructure facilities used to support the dissemination of information on good agricultural practices, nutritional knowledge, child feeding practices, weather information, markets, and credit, etc. Examples include information centers, radio stations, and telecommunication masts to facilitate and enhance communication.