The Uganda Project: Assessing the Affordability of Discounted Fertilizers

Project Summary

Sustain Africa is implementing a project in Uganda to support farmers with discounted fertilizers to ensure sustainable planting of food and cash crops as a mechanism to improve food security and reduce poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sustain Africa believes that food security and wealth creation can be attained through the effective use of fertilizers as well as other farm inputs. In Uganda and Malawi, the project is aimed at enabling smallholder farmers to access fertilizers from various distributors within different regions at subsidized or discounted prices.

ICED’s support role in the project was to lead the implementation of field data collection from beneficiary farmers and agro-dealers.

Implementation in Uganda

The farmers’ survey was originally intended to be done in three phases – the treatment group (i.e. – those who accessed discounted fertilizers), the control group, and those who stopped buying fertilizers. Data has successfully been collected for the treatment group and those who stopped buying fertilizers.

In terms of the data collection returns, we successfully interviewed 238 farmers out of the 443 list of farmers for the treatment group. On the other hand, 200 farmers were interviewed from a list of 204 farmers who stopped buying fertilizers. This translates into a success rate of 53.7% and 98% respectively for the treatment group and those who stopped buying fertilizers.

With regards to the agro-dealers survey, there were 81 lists of agro/input dealers to be surveyed across 34 districts in Uganda. The data collection was successful with a 100% success rate.

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