Joshua Amo-Adjei

Public Health Consultant

Joshua’s work and expertise are in public health, with specific interests in sexual and reproductive health, particularly comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), family planning, abortion, and quality of maternity care. He brings considerable experience in collaborative large-scale, multi-year, and multi-country research management and implementation, a testament to his ability to handle complex projects confidently and competently.  

Joshua is an Associate Professor of Maternal and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Department of Population & Health, University of Cape Coast. In this role, he has successfully supervised several research capacity development engagements at the bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, and professional levels. He has strong expertise in designing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method studies. Joshua worked as a postdoctoral and associate research scientist at the African Population and Health Research Center in Nairobi, Kenya, between 2016 and 2018.

As part of his commitment to the professional community, he has served on high-level international technical advisory bodies: (1) temporary member of the UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) Scientific and Technical Advisory Group and (2) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of The Family Planning Impact Consortium (FP-Impact) under the auspices of Guttmacher Institute (New York) and Africa Institute for Development and Policy (AFIDEP), Malawi. These are testaments to his commitment to and passion for global health and service to the professional community.

Joshua has led several primary research, monitoring and evaluation activities funded by reputable organizations such as the MasterCard Foundation/ICRW, UNDP Ghana, FHI360/USAID ASBC, HRP/WHO Geneva, UNFPA ESARO, UNFPA Ghana, UNICEF Ghana, Edinburgh Innovations Limited (University of Edinburgh, UK), IFC Macro, US, Ipas Ghana, DKT International Inc., Ghana, PPAG/IPPF, and the Family Health Division of Ghana Health Service. These pieces of work demonstrate Joshua’s ability to navigate and lead in the complex landscape of public and global health issues.

Apart from subject-matter expertise, he is skilled in using software for qualitative (NVivo) and quantitative (STATA) data management and analyses. Intermittently, he trains early career researchers on using STATA and NVivo to strengthen their research capacity.

Location: Ghana