
ICED acquires a new office in Accra, Ghana

Written by:
Bijou Attey

On September 27, 2024, ICED’s Ghana branch followed the evolution of its Kenya-based headquarters, transitioning to new premises. Earlier this year, ICED was able to fulfill its plan of acquiring a permanent location for its West African branch that would provide an atmosphere conducive to growth, both in personnel and in impact. The subsequent relocations of both offices were marked with move-in day dedications and an official launch event, witnessed by key partners from ICED’s journey.

Making the move

ICED's Ghanaian staff and key stakeholders pose at the official launch of the new office in Accra.

The process of each relocation occurred over a period of weeks, with ICED CEO Dr. David Ameyaw tasking a select group of employees with the transitions. From identifying the ideal locations and organizing the movements, to designing the interiors and settling in, the proverbial heavy lifting was managed in-house. On April 23, 2024, ICED’s Kenya-based staff settled into their new premises, in a commercial building in the prominent Westlands neighborhood, beginning their first workday with a dedication.

A few months after ICED’s headquarters hung its name on the door of its new office, Dr. Ameyaw announced the joyful news of a new acquisition: the Ghana office would also be moving; however, this would be a permanent home. With support from donor and supporting partner, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, ICED had identified and purchased a building that would serve its purposes while accommodating the growth of its staff and work. The move of ICED’s two offices comes on the heels of a significant milestone for the establishments of the Africa-based African-owned thinktank: 7 years of successfully developing partnerships and implementing actions for impact on the continent.

An occasion worth noting

A dedication was planned for the headquarters, in Kenya, overseen by a local pastor, while the Ghana branch's transition was established in permanence with a move-in day dedication and a later official launch, attended by a select group of stakeholders. Notable guests at the launch included key partners from the Institute of Social, Statistical and Economic Research (ISSER) including Professor Peter Quartey, Director; Mawuena Boateng, Administrator; and Karimu Gbene Suglo, Senior Accountant. Also present were Prof. Takyiwaa Manuh, gender expert and longtime ICED consultant; Pastor Keiphas Gyamfi, pastor at the Ghana Meridian Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; the Ghana staff’s loved ones; and other distinguished guests. Professor Quartey commissioned ICED’s new ultra-modern facilities, noting the significance of the momentous occasion as proof of “sustainability, continuity, and growth”.

Although the event was conducted with an air of solemnity, the occasion was all but subdued, the walls of the home-converted-business resounding with laughter and applause. In preparing for its celebration of 7 years of impact, the acquisition provided a worthy build-up to the important milestone. Dr. Ameyaw concluded the series of launches, saying, “We’re [elated] to have a place where you can always come and see us, and appreciate our work.”

To view pictures from the Ghana branch's dedication and launch, click here.