
Plenary Presentations

24th July 2024 | 10:45 - 11:00 AM
Dr. Thomas de Hoop

Session 1: Opening Session


The promise of combining remote sensing and survey data: Evidence on climate shocks and women’s economic empowerment in Nigeria

Presentation Title:

The promise of combining remote sensing and survey data

24th July 2024 | 4:45- 5:15 PM
Dr. Portia Adade Williams

Session 5: Plenary Presentation


Systemic Inequities that Make Some Communities More Vulnerable to Climate Related Events and Components that Can Be Used to Operationalize Intersectional Thought in Climate Adaptation

Presentation Title:

Addressing Vulnerabilities and Operationalizing Inclusive Strategies
26th July 2024 | 9:00 - 9:45 PM
Prof. Dean Karlan

Session 17: Plenary Presentation


Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI)

Presentation Title:

Empowering the Unempowered: The Wonky Rural Fight for Resilience
26th July 2024 | 9:45 - 10:30 AM
Prof. Anna Lartey

Session 18: Plenary Presentation


Building resilient food systems and adaptation to climate change

Presentation Title:

Building Resilient Food Systems and Adaptation to Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa

Breakout Panel Presentations

Panel Session 1


The intersection of climate change, institutions, and social transformation

Moderator: Dr. Simon Gicheha

The Intersection of Climate Change, Migration and Social Transformation
Nashirata Dawuda
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Institutionalization, an Unexplored Approach for Advancing Policy and Governance of Climate Change in Small and Medium-sized Cities (SMCs) or Intermediate Cities—Evidence from Ghana
Ama Kissiwah Boateng
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Determinants and Convergence of Climate Change Disclosure of Financial Services Firms in Africa
Stephen Bannah
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Panel Session 2


The role of agricultural extension and training on productivity and climate change adaptation

Moderator: Sophie Javers

Impact of Action-Based Digital Agro-Weather Advisories on Agricultural Productivity in Kenya
Dr. Mercy Kamau
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Are Developing-country Farmers Ready for Virtual Delivery of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services? Empirical Evidence from Malawi
Dr. Robertson Khataza
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The Effect of Carbon Farming Training on Food Security and Development Resilience in Northern Ghana
Dr. Charles Yaw Okyere
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Panel Session 3


Evidence and Gap maps of climate change adaptation interventions and poverty dynamics

Moderator: Prof. Michael Carter

Evidence and Gap Map of Climate Change Adaptation Interventions for Enhancing Food Security and Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa
Dr. Joseph Clottey
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Adapting to Change: Examining the Interaction between Empowerment and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies among Women Smallholder Farmers in Uganda
Dr. Losira Nasirumbi Sanya
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Panel Session 4


Investigating the dynamics between climate change and healthcare

Moderator: Dr. Thomas de Hoop

Integrating Climate Change & Health into Primary Healthcare in the Greater Accra Region
Dr. Emmanuel Kyeremateng-Amoah
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Exploring Multi-dimensional Climate Risks: The Association Between Heat Extremes, Drought, and an Indicator of Child Health and Well-being in Kenya
Evelyn G. Shu
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How Climate Change is Shaping Young People’s Health: A Participatory Youth Co-led Study from Bangladesh, Guatemala and Nigeria
Dr. Jessie Pinchoff
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Panel Session 1


Designing and implementing comprehensive risk management solutions for smallholder farmers

Moderator: Sophie Javers

Impact of Bundling Supplementary Irrigation and Drought Index Insurance on Farm and Welfare Outcomes
Prof. John K. Kuwornu
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Enhancing The Resilience of Smallholder Farmers to Climate Variability: Using Climatesmart Agriculture in Nigeria’s Sudano-Sahel
Prof. Peter Njiforti
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Panel Session 2


Contribution of saving groups in building community resilience to climate change

Moderator: Sarah Ameso

How do Savings Groups Influence Resilience? Evidence from Nigeria
Dr. Thomas de Hoop
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Unlocking the gender transformative solutions for strengthening women smallholder farmers’ resilience to agricultural shocks in Uganda
Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi
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The Geographies of Resilience to Agricultural Shocks in the Global South: Experiences of Women Smallholder Farmers in Uganda's Agri-food Systems
Dr. Brenda Boonabaana
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Panel Session 3


Engagement of youth in climate change management and adaptation

Moderator: Assan Ng'ombe

Empowering Kenyan Youth in Agriculture through Green Skills Training: A Study of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Kenya
Enock Imani
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The Active Involvement of Young People in Innovation for Climate Change Management: A Case Study from the Center for Digital Innovations and Research in Monitoring and Evaluation
Tamadaho Candide
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Ghana’s New Generation of Natural Resource Stewards and Climate Activists
Alaine Johnson
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Panel Session 4


Climate adaptation strategies used by farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa

Moderator: Dr. Naalamle Amissah

Exploring the Dimensions of IMO Technology Adoption for Climate Change Resilience among Livestock Farmers in the Ga East Municipality of Ghana
Audrey Gyamfi
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Agricultural Innovations for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in Selected Districts of Zimbabwe
Gilbert Mushangari
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Implications of Climate Change Adaptation Innovations on the Performance of Smallholder Irrigated Rice Farmers and Food Security
Dr. Theodora Akweley Asiamah
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Panel Session 1


Climate smart agricultural technologies to address effects of climate change

Moderator: Dr. Symphorien Agbahoungba

Examining the Resource Gaps for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in the Transition Agroecological Zone of Ghana
Mabel Enyonam Mensah
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Solar Tunnel Technology for Climate Resistant Agriculture: A Case of Ghana
Eric Takyi Atakora
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Effect of Varieties and Planting Dates of Bread Wheat-lupine Intercropping System Under Additive Design in Northwest Ethiopia
Prof. Birhanu Bayeh
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Panel Session 2


Impact of climate change on agricultural production

Moderator: Dr. Kwadwo Danso-Mensah

How does Rainfall Variability and Climate Finance Influence Gender Inequality in the Global South? A Zoom-in on Sub-Saharan African Women
Isaac Doku
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Impact Assessment of Aquaculture in Small Reservoirs in Northern Ghana
Dr. Giulia Zane
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The Role of Evaluation in Contributing to Climate Efforts by African Governments
Kaseya Parfait Kasongo
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Panel Session 3


Evaluation and evidence contributions to climate change and climate adaptation policies

Moderator: Dr. Charles Okyere

Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity Growth and Its Policy Implication for Sustainable Agricultural Transformation in Ethiopia
Kusse Haile
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The Promise and Reality of the 1V1D Policy of Ghana: Lessons towards more effective Public Policy Design and Implementation
Prof. Charles T. Amoatey
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An Outcome Evaluation of Government One Village One Dam Policy in response to impact of climate change in Northern Ghana: Emerging Issues
Prof. Charles Teye Amoatey
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Panel Session 4


Climate smart agricultural techniques and building farmer resilience to climate shocks

Moderator: Dr. John Olwande

The Uptake of Agroecological Innovations and Willingness to Pay for Climate Smart Plant Health Management Technologies Among Smallholder Farmers in Kenya
Dr. Forah Obebo
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