Speaker Profile

Prof. Tilahun Amede

Director, Climate change, Sustainable Productivity and Resilience


Professor Tilahun Amede directs AGRA's Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Agriculture program, focusing on integrated watershed management in East Africa. He's established model learning sites across Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania, introducing innovations like Water Spreading Weirs in Ethiopia. Amede excels in project management, contributing to Nile water management platforms and publishing over 110 papers. His expertise extends to developing fertilizer decision support tools and achieving significant crop yield increases. Amede has received international and national recognition, including awards from ICRISAT and ministerial certificates.

Conference Session


Session 10: Plenary Presentation


Thursday, 25th July 2024 | 10:50- 11:35 AM


Taking stock of existing climate adaptation strategies and climate resilient infrastructure and their role in increasing resilience to shocks and stresses among vulnerable populations in sub-Saharan Africa


Dr. Betty Annan

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