Speaker Profile

Gloria Agyare

Environmentalist and Agri-Food System Advocate
Ghana Youth Environmental Movement


Gloria Agyare is a young Ghanaian environmentalist and agri-food system advocate. She works closely with local farmers and the youth, championing eco-friendly agricultural practices to address environmental issues.

With a primary focus that centers on the restoration of forests, conservation of natural resources, and the introduction of innovative approaches to food production, Gloria empowers communities and influences policies, inspiring her to develop initiatives to build the capacity of young people to tackle climate change.

Gloria holds a strong commitment to enhancing the role of women and youth in decision-making processes pertaining to environmental and food system matters.

She is a speaker on agricultural and climate change issues, a member of UNFCCC-YOUNGO Food and Agriculture working group (WG) where she advocates for climate-friendly meals at COP, and the World Bank Group (WBG) Youth Consultation group for the Country Partnership Framework 2020-2026.

As Programmes Officer for Ghana Youth Environmental Movement (GYEM), Gloria spearheaded the establishment of a framework within GYEM's Food Department, initiating an advocacy action and community food project in agroforestry.

Conference Session


Session 12: Plenary Panel Discussion


Thursday, 25th July 2024 | 1:50- 2:50 PM


Empowering youth forclimate action and sustainability‍



Assan Ng’ombe

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