Speaker Profile

Dr. George Tee Forpoh

CEO, Participatory Development Associates Inc Liberia.; Regional Coordinator (West Africa Region), Quality Education Consultancy Ltd. Uganda;
Former Deputy Minister – Regional Development, Research, and Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Liberia


George Tee Forpoh, PhD is a prolific researcher, academician, and is a distinguished agricultural and natural resources management professional, environment impact assessment expert, and renowned for his expertise in rural development, agricultural extension, and natural resource governance. His career spans a spectrum of impactful roles across non-governmental organizations, as well as the United Nations Common Systems and the United Nations Department of Peace Keeping Operations (DPKO). His programmatic expertise covers programs funded by USAID, the European Union, and the African Development Bank. He is known for excellent civil society organizations and government sector engagements and setting up youth entrepreneurship development and advocacy for inclusion of disadvantage with a gender lens. He has conducted, supervised or coordinated dozens of research studies and consultancies in West and East Africa, respectively, in collaboration with Quality Education Consultancy Ltd (QECL) Kampala, Uganda.

Dr. Forpoh holds a B.Sc. in Agriculture Extension and Rural Sociology; two master’s degrees – MPA in Local Government Development Administration and an M.Sc. Monitoring and Evaluation; and a Ph.D. with Emphasis in Management of Natural Resources. Dr. Forpoh has led initiatives enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability, focusing on food security and smart agriculture practices. He has served as Head of Compliance for UNDP, Liberia; Deputy Chief of Party for USAID; Program Specialist, Humanitarian Coordination UNMIL; amongst others. He also served as Teaching Assistant contributing to academic growth in natural resource management during his PhD at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. He has conducted, supervised or coordinated dozens of research studies and consultancies in West and East Africa.

Conference Session


Session 13: Plenary Panel Discussion


Thursday, 25th July 2024 | 2:50- 3:50 PM


Climate Smart AgriculturalInnovations, adaptation, and Resilience


Alaine Johnson

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