Speaker Profile

Dr. Fatu Badiane

Senior Programme Officer
Science Innovation Translation and Entrepreneurship Grand Challenges Africa


Fatu Badiane, Ph.D. is currently a senior programme officer at the Science for Africa Foundation. Previously she worked for the Rita Allen Foundation in Princeton, New Jersey (USA) supporting early career biomedical researchers and unique projects on science engagement with broader publics. She graduated from Rutgers University, Newark in May 2019 with a doctorate in immunology. Her research focused on understanding the biology of Ewing’s Sarcoma, a common paediatric cancer of the bones and soft tissues, in the hopes of finding new therapeutic targets. She published the findings of her research in several scientific journals. As a graduate student, Fatu was recognized with the Henry J. Raimondo Legislative Fellowship by the Eagleton Institute of Politics. With this fellowship she worked at the statehouse in Trenton, New Jersey on a variety of projects on governance and policy.

As a graduate of Rutgers, Fatu regularly presents at career development workshops and mentors current graduate students and post docs as they begin their careers journeys. She received her Bachelor of Arts from Bryn Mawr College and a Professional Science Masters in Cell and Developmental Biology from Jefferson University. Fatu has also taught at the graduate and undergraduate level as a visiting instructor at the University of Delaware.

During her free time, Fatu is excited to support the work of the African BioGenome Project as the chair of the Communications and Public Affairs subcommittee. She also enjoys recording episodes of her podcast We Love Science to inspire individuals of all ages to follow their passion for research and discovery. Outside of work, she enjoys knitting, spending time with friends and family, watching movies, and enjoying nature.

Conference Session


Session 14: Round Table Discussion


Thursday, 25th July 2024 | 4:10- 4:55 PM


Comprehensive adaptation strategies that can enhance resilience to climate change


Prof. Hugh Waddington

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