Speaker Profile

Daryl E. Bosu

Deputy National Director
A Rocha Ghana


Daryl Bosu is a seasoned environmental sustainability practitioner, within the natural resource management and governance sector and is very known for his advocacy and leadership in fostering nature-centric, low-emission development focusing on circular economy practices and nature-based solutions for local community commerce and sustainable resource management. Bosu has significantly contributed to sustainable conservation efforts in Ghana, where he has led several campaigns, notable is the critical campaign against bauxite mining in Atewa Forest through strategic policy advocacy and lobbying, and has been instrumental in developing green finance models, including for the organic shea value chain and emissions reduction around Mole National Park.  

His efforts include innovative financing mechanisms for the Ghana Integrated Aluminium Agenda and green business models converting agro-processing by-products into alternatives like briquettes and biochar. He contributed to the Ghana Cocoa Forest Emissions Reduction Program (GCFRP) and the Shea Landscape Emissions Reduction Program (GSLERP). As the Deputy National Director of A Rocha Ghana, Bosu leads national policy advocacy to uphold social and environmental rights in extractive landscapes and advocate for a just energy transition in Ghana. His work consistently fosters positive outcomes for communities and ecosystems.

Conference Session


Session 19: Plenary Panel Discussion


Friday, 26th July 2024 | 11:20AM – 12:10 PM


Road to Circular Economy Transition: Practicalities and Policy Imperatives


Dr. Justina A. Onumah

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